Yard Sale for Playground Project - July 12

Posted by on Monday, June 30, 2014
Yes, you want our DLS students to have a safe playground, but how do we raise the money needed for the equipment? Here's a new idea... a yard sale! 

Playground Partners will join in the giant Holiday Hills Yard Sale on Saturday, July 12. Here's how you can help make it success:
  • Donate items: Bring them to the parsonage any time before July 11. 
  • Attend the sale: Bring your wallet and hopefully you'll find something you can;t live without! 
  • Tell others: The more items donated and the more people who attend, the more money we will raise. Facebook it, tell co-workers or offer to pick up a friend and go shopping together! 
Contact Sue Heidle if you have any questions.

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